
Showing posts from January, 2025

Are New Year’s Resolutions Worth the Effort?

  Djordje Vezilic: Pexels As the calendar flips over to January, we're often met with a fresh wave of optimism, a blank page, and a brand-new journal just begging for resolutions. You know the type: "This year, I'm goint to eat better, work otu more, and become the best version of myself?!" It sounds great in theory, but let's face it —by February, the gym is empty, and that kale smoothie you swore by is now a distant memory. Resolutions can be exciting, but let’s not kid ourselves—keeping them going is another story. Whether you’re setting a new goal or trying to kick an old habit, there are ways to shape your resolutions in ways that improve your overall well-being—even if you don’t quite stick to them 100%. Why the New Year Matters Volker Meyer:Pexels There’s a reason we all feel that burst of motivation when the clock strikes midnight. People experience a “fresh start effect,” which means they’re more likely to make changes after major calendar events. New...